Markus 'ill' Illenseer


Kurt-Schumacherstraße 16 33615 Bielefeld


Telefon? Damit ihr mich nachts um 1.00 wegen NetBSD anruft? Nee Danke :-)

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ill auf #AmigaGer, #AmigaFR, #amiga and #netbsd

I am involved into the NetBSD 1.0 Release for Amiga on this CD, as well as for the Psion Archive [or try here!]

But I am also responsible for a dozen of other things, ie. organising meetings on which we assemble the stuff for the CD, stuff to be put onto the CD, asking people for their artworks, texts, books, software and more.

I would like to thank all the people who made this CD possible, a wonderfull CD with lot of new conecpts. It was fun to work for this CD, I hope you have fun to use the CD.